Auditions for The Rivals
Informal auditions (i.e. no learning of audition pieces necessary) willl be taking place at The Women's Hall. The production itself is taking place on 9th, 10th and 11th November.
The Rivals is a comedy set in Bath in the 18th century, a town that was legendary for conspicuous consumption. Wealthy people went there to "take the waters," which were believed to have healing properties. Bath was much less exclusive than London, and hence it provides an ideal setting for the characters of this play who are, let’s say, not quite top notch!
The characters are as follows:
Sir Anthony Absolute, (45-65) - a wealthy baronet, impulsive, dogmatic, volatile.
Captain Jack Absolute, (25-35) - his son, sometimes disguised as “Ensign Beverley” – handsome, dashing - in love with Lydia.
Faulkland, (25-35) - a friend of Jack Absolute – gloomy, depressive, pessimistic – painfully in love with Julia.
Bob Acres, (any age) - a friend of Jack Absolute – idiot, country bumpkin – totally out of his depth in fashionable society. Has been led to believe he is to marry Lydia, who actually despises him.
Sir Lucius O'Trigger, (any age) - an Irish baronet – psychopath. Could start a fight in an empty room. Engaging in an exchange of love letters with “Delia” whom he believes to be Lydia but is actually Mrs Malaprop.
David, (any age) - Bob Acres' servant.
Lydia Languish, (18-25) - a wealthy young heiress – romantic, but headstrong. In love with "Ensign Beverley".
Mrs Malaprop, (40-60) - Lydia's middle-aged guardian aunt. A widow. The main comic character. Tries to impress by using long words which, while they sound similar to what she intends, actually mean something totally different (origin of the word “malapropism”).
Julia Melville, (25-35) - a young relation of the Absolutes, in love with Faulkland. Kind and sensible, she has the patience of a saint putting up with Faulkland’s jealousy.
Lucy, (any age) - Lydia's conniving maid – pretends to be a bit dim, but is actually leading everyone a merry dance and lining her own pockets at the same time.
Sara, (any age) - a servant of Captain Absolute.
Maria, (any age) - a servant of Sir Anthony.
Let us know if you can't make the dates but would like to audition.
If you have any questions please contact us.

Auditions for The Rivals
Informal auditions (i.e. no learning of audition pieces necessary) willl be taking place at The Women's Hall. The production itself is taking place on 9th, 10th and 11th November.
The Rivals is a comedy set in Bath in the 18th century, a town that was legendary for conspicuous consumption. Wealthy people went there to "take the waters," which were believed to have healing properties. Bath was much less exclusive than London, and hence it provides an ideal setting for the characters of this play who are, let’s say, not quite top notch!
The characters are as follows:
Sir Anthony Absolute, (45-65) - a wealthy baronet, impulsive, dogmatic, volatile.
Captain Jack Absolute, (25-35) - his son, sometimes disguised as “Ensign Beverley” – handsome, dashing - in love with Lydia.
Faulkland, (25-35) - a friend of Jack Absolute – gloomy, depressive, pessimistic – painfully in love with Julia.
Bob Acres, (any age) - a friend of Jack Absolute – idiot, country bumpkin – totally out of his depth in fashionable society. Has been led to believe he is to marry Lydia, who actually despises him.
Sir Lucius O'Trigger, (any age) - an Irish baronet – psychopath. Could start a fight in an empty room. Engaging in an exchange of love letters with “Delia” whom he believes to be Lydia but is actually Mrs Malaprop.
David, (any age) - Bob Acres' servant.
Lydia Languish, (18-25) - a wealthy young heiress – romantic, but headstrong. In love with "Ensign Beverley".
Mrs Malaprop, (40-60) - Lydia's middle-aged guardian aunt. A widow. The main comic character. Tries to impress by using long words which, while they sound similar to what she intends, actually mean something totally different (origin of the word “malapropism”).
Julia Melville, (25-35) - a young relation of the Absolutes, in love with Faulkland. Kind and sensible, she has the patience of a saint putting up with Faulkland’s jealousy.
Lucy, (any age) - Lydia's conniving maid – pretends to be a bit dim, but is actually leading everyone a merry dance and lining her own pockets at the same time.
Sara, (any age) - a servant of Captain Absolute.
Maria, (any age) - a servant of Sir Anthony.
Let us know if you can't make the dates but would like to audition.
If you have any questions please contact us.

Auditions for A Fete Worse Than Death - 9 May
These are taking place at the Billingshurst Centre, Roman Way, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9QW.
Following our successful murder mystery evenings at The King's Head BDS has been invited to perform at the Billingshurst Centre on 30th June and 1st July. A play has been specially created for this set at Boringhurst Village Fete in the 1960s. Classic murder mystery characters include a lord and lady, a grumpy gardener, a film star, a downtrodden wife, a protective mother, a diffident man, a top notch detective and a precocious child. The audience are invited to play detective during the supper having seen the murder. The second half reveals the guilty party.
If you want to join us for a readthrough and casting these are at the Billingshurst Centre on Wednesday 3rd May or Tuesday 9th May 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Let us know if you can't make the dates but would like to audition.

Auditions for A Fete Worse Than Death - 3 May
These are taking place at the Billingshurst Centre, Roman Way, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9QW.
Following our successful murder mystery evenings at The King's Head BDS has been invited to perform at the Billingshurst Centre on 30th June and 1st July. A play has been specially created for this set at Boringhurst Village Fete in the 1960s. Classic murder mystery characters include a lord and lady, a grumpy gardener, a film star, a downtrodden wife, a protective mother, a diffident man, a top notch detective and a precocious child. The audience are invited to play detective during the supper having seen the murder. The second half reveals the guilty party.
If you want to join us for a readthrough and casting these are at the Billingshurst Centre on Wednesday 3rd May or Tuesday 9th May 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Let us know if you can't make the dates but would like to audition.